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Aug 5, 2021
To My Fellow Introverts
“It’s always the quiet ones!” It was meant as a joke, but it bothered me throughout the rest of my workday, on my route back home, and...

May 14, 2021
Writing for Creatives: How Do You Describe Yourself?
How do designers, writers, or creative people learn to talk about themselves and tell their story?

Mar 10, 2021
Lessons Learned After a Year in Quarantine
Mid-March last year, I had my coworkers over for a last supper of sorts. We made pizzas in cast iron pans, ordered a pie from Hoosier...

Jan 27, 2021
People Are Not Too Sensitive These Days
“People are too sensitive these days!” This seemed to be a common mantra of 2020. Sadly, it seemed to be most often used in conversations...

Dec 21, 2020
My Favorite Books of 2020
Like many others, a 2020 goal of mine was to read more. I casually kept up with it, until the pandemic hit and I realized I needed more...

Dec 8, 2020
TikTok Might've Saved My 2020
Like many others in April of this year, my list of hobbies, to-do lists, and Netflix shows was thinning after almost two months of...

Aug 21, 2020
Everlane and When Brand Promises Fail
Brands should never claim promises that they cannot meet, and Everlane is a prime example.

Jun 26, 2020
Death to Self-Centering Conversation
Self-centering conversation isn’t a new concept, but its faults seem to be particularly relevant right now.

Apr 20, 2020
Unprecedented: Our Favorite Word During COVID-19
Unprecedented is our new, default buzzword, but why does it resonate so well right now?

Mar 18, 2020
The Power of Language Amidst The Coronavirus
Language matters, and we all have a personal duty to take responsibility for our words, especially during a global crisis.

Feb 19, 2020
Self Care for Creatives
In a world that glamorizes busy, how do we maintain our creative spark and sanity?

Jan 27, 2020
B-A-N-A-N-A-S: Accessibility to Art
Does accessibility to art spread broader awareness and appreciation? Or does it dilute the impact and meaning of creative work?

Jan 7, 2020
Losing Likes
If you’re in the social media universe, you’ve most definitely heard about Instagram’s latest and greatest change. “Likes” are a thing of th

Dec 16, 2019
A Terrible, Terrible Introduction
An introduction to myself and my musings, which may range from art, design, the greater creative community, and cats.
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